





















































































































































Year One Autumn Term (1)



Use a class mindmap to assess the knowledge that children have about ourselves and animals. Are there any particular things that the children would like to find out about

animals and people?


Using IWB display a range of animals. Make a list of the characteristics. Ask the children if we are animals. Discuss.

Children to draw 4-7 animals and include humans. (We are all animals) Children will paint an animal in shared area.


Using IWB show children a range of pictures to show people as they have aged Ask the children how they think the people have changed. Using magazines ask the children to match adults and young. They will cut and stick them into their books. Make sure the children have understood what they have done.

Discuss with the children growing and ask the children how high they think they will grow. Ask the children if the tallest people are the oldest people.

SUPP TASKS – matching cut and stick animal young to adult, small world animal zoo, ICT ESPRESSO Living things video and programs


Using IWB display a range of animals. Discuss animals with the children and ask them to describe the different features. Write the features on the board. Children are to make a

table and decide the categories they are going to sort the animals in to according to their features – fur, scales, tail, four legs ,beak……

SUPP TASKS small world wild animals, observing and drawing animals ICT,Espresso Living things programs


Using the IWB and animals discuss with the children how the animals move. Make a list on the IWB. (Fly, waddle, climb, crawl, run…) Children are to record the different ways the

animals move by making a table. Children are to select their own criteria.

SUPP TASKS drawing and painting animals moving, Espresso animals and living things BBC video-Movement on Cats Eyes Video


Discuss with the children why we need to eat and drink. (LINKED with PSHE) Ask the children to suggest the different food and drinks we have and the different things animals need. Put these onto the IWB.

Introduce the children to a Venn diagram and demonstrate how we can sort the foods and drinks into the two sets of animals that eat meat or plants, more able children could use the intersection to show animals that eat both

BBC – Cats Eyes video on survival


Children to complete assessment booklet with adult supp. – LIVING THINGS SAT booklet showing level 1 and 2 attainment


Using IWB or posters show the children a range of different self-portraits. Discuss what a self portrait is and why they are drawn.

Using mirrors and pencils children are to draw their portraits. Can the children make a card frame to place their portrait onto.

SUPP TASK children to use digital camera to take portraits of each other










Discuss IWB slide show artwork of portraits showing the whole body. Children to talk about the artwork and discuss preferences. Why do we have portraits painted? What kind of portraits do we have these days? Children to look at a wooden manikin to help them to draw a picture of a body or have a child dressed in an outfit for children to sketch

SUPP TASKS painting a body, animal bodies, labelling a body on computer,, play doh models,

ICT drawings

ICT – Espresso Art – Queen’s Portrait


Look at the Rousseau painting of the Tiger on IWB and discuss the animal and it’s background home. Discuss animals bodies and their colours, camouflage, etc…Children to begin a two week project to draw animal bodies with pastels and begin torn tissue

backgrounds showing their habitat.

SUPP TASKS Children to use paint to make bodies in different poses, drawing around a friend to make a body shape, ICT Espresso Art programs



Making skeleton bodies with art straws to show some sort of movement 
SUPP TASKS  Espresso art videos, drawing figures of animals and humans with pastel

Children to use clay to make models of 4 legged animals –  to paint the models at later date
SUPP TASKS  making pics of animals from 2D shapes, pastel or painted pics of animals









Children to look at old toys on TOY Ready resources CD on IWB – discuss how we can tell that toys are old or new.  Have a selection of old and new toys to sort.  Chn to record old and new set of toys – cut and stick or draw
SUPP TASKS – painting toys, playing and handling old toys ICT, Espresso toys games and  Magic Grandad BBC video


First hand experience of visit to Tynemouth toy museum and follow up discussions of what we saw.  Discuss the materials used to make the toys, any toys we still have?  Any different toys?








Reporting on our visit to Toy Museum-(linked to Literacy) discussions and making a class book about the visit
SUPP TASKS draw and paint the toys we liked a t our visit, discussions about our photographs, ICT TOYS CD – disc of some of the toys we may have seen







Make a class list of key questions for an invited older member of school or community to come to class to talk about their toys when they were younger.  Look at a variety of old toys…can we make a class museum of old toys
BBC – Magic Grandad toys video – 50’s, 60’s, 70’s




Discuss a range of old and new toys from pics  on IWB or Ready resources  CD Rom or real toys – can children order them on a simple timeline i.e.  3 fire engines very old, old & new
SUPP TASKS  observational drawings, playing with older games ICT Toys video, Espresso toys




Children to use catalogues to cut and sort a variety of toys according to materials or way they move or work… battery, wood, plastic, wind up, etc….


Key Skills








Communication Skills Level 1

* I talk about my work

* I draw pictures about what I see



Problem Solving Level 1

* I can think of some reasons why things might happen


* I use the computer to play science games

Communication Skills

* I can think of some reasons why things might happen




Communication Skills Level 1

* I talk about my work

* I draw pictures about what I see

Improving own Learning & Performance

* I know why I am trying to find things out




Communication Skills Level 1

* I talk about my work

* I draw pictures about what I see

Improving own Learning & Performance

* I know why I am trying to find things out




Communication Skills Level 1

* I talk about my work

* I draw pictures about what I see

Problem Solving

* I can think of some reasons why things might happen








Communication Skills Level 1

* I can make models to show my ideas and then talk about the models

* I draw my ideas and can tell someone what they are about

* I can talk about how I feel about my own or somebody else’s work

Improving Own Learning & Performance

* I can think of ways to improve my own work.

Information Technology

* I use the computer to draw pictures with lines & shapes

* I can change the pen colour


Problem Solving Level 1

*I can think of ideas for Art from, stories, rhymes, Looking at things

made by people and Looking at the natural world.


Communication Skills Level 1

*I can make models to show my ideas and then talk about the models



Improving Own Learning & Performance Level 1

*I compare my work to that of famous artists or craftspeople

Problem Solving

*I investigate, Drawing, Collage, Textiles, Printing, Sculpture & Photos

*I Experiment with ways of framing images


Problem Solving Level 1
*I can think of ideas for Art from, stories, rhymes, Looking at things made by people and Looking at the natural world.
Improving Own Learning & Performance
*I can think of ways to improve my own work.
Communication Skills
*I can make models to show my ideas and then talk about the models
*I draw my ideas and can tell someone what they are about
*I can talk about how I feel about my own or somebody else’s work


Problem Solving Level 1
*I can put objects in order of how old they are.
Working With Others
*I discuss my ideas with my ‘talk partner’ in lessons

Improving Own Learning & Performance Level 1
*I know that there are several ways to find out about the past:
Pictures, Questions, Objects, The Internet, television, videos, books & stories
*I know the difference between the past and now (the present)


Communication Skills Level 1
*I use a range of words to talk about the passing of time
*I can describe things that are from the past (e.g. toys)
*I can say how things from the past were used
*I can talk or write about the differences between things from the past and how they look now.

Communication skills Level 1
*I can describe things that are from the past (e.g. toys)
*I can say how things from the past were used
Working with others
*I can ask questions of people older than me to find out about the past

Problem Solving Level 1
*I can put objects in order of how old they are.
*I can find out about how things in the past were similar to or different from the way they are now.
*I can work out things about the past by looking at pictures


Problem Solving Level 1
*I can put objects in order of how old they are.
*I can find out about how things in the past were similar to or different from the way they are now.
*I can work out things about the past by looking at pictures