Key Skills


National Curriculum

2a, Communication skills
*I describe my observations, using scientific vocabulary.
2b,Working with others
*I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation
2c Improving Own Learning & Performance
*I keep a mind map of what I have learned
2d,Problem Solving
*I compare things and look for patterns


2a,Communication skills
*My ideas are shown in my:
Drawings, Paintings, Collage work, textile work
2a,Applicaton of Maths
*I make 2d and 3d shapes

Make a mind map with whole class about materials.  Try to focus on properties.  Have Items on carpet – class to sort materials using their suggested criteria – children to draw/sort items into topic book using their criteria on a table/chart











Teacher to ask children what we can do with paper & children to practice fold tear, scrunch etc.  Teacher demonstration of plaiting, twisting, sewing etc.  Children to create a palette of techniques using paper

(Assessment for Learning)
Sc 3 1a/b












A2 a/b

2b,Communication skills
*I can draw labelled diagrams about my area, using geographical language.
*I use the internet to help me find out more about my local area.


2a, Communication skills
*I can explain why a test is fair
*I use scientific vocabulary in my explanations.

Look at Google Earth to locate England, Sunderland, Fulwell Mill.  Look for local landmarks.  Class to suggest items for a list of local landmarks.  Look at old/new maps of Fulwell – draw comparisons.  Children to use photographs and house drawings to make class map.



Whole class to walk around inside/outside of school to make an inventory of materials used.  Make a class list and discuss why each material was used.  Children to record onto table

          Glass                     Wood                         Metal


Geography – ICT
ICT 1a G2 a/b
ICT 2d
ICT 5b G2 c




Sc 3 1 c/d

2a Information Technology
*I use a digital camera to take images of things people have made and the natural world.  I look at:
Lines, patterns, textures, shapes and colours


2b Communication Skills
*I can draw labelled diagrams about my area, using geographical language.


2a, Communication Skills
*My ideas are shown in my:
Drawings, Paintings, Collage work, Textile work

2a/d Improving Own Learning & Performance
*I can talk about the similarities and differences between my own and other’s work
*I adapt and improve my own work.
*I keep notes in my Art Sketch Book of how I would change my work,
*I compare my work to that of famous artists and craftspeople

Children to work with digital camera to focus and take photos of materials around school.  Class could make slide show of materials/photographs




ICT Into My World, My Town Map making program.  Discuss icons/tools and how to create your own map of a town.



Children to be introduced to running stitch.  Look at examples of clothes joined by sewing.  Children to make a picture of house/mill with green stitches for grass using running stitch.

ICT Digital Camera
ICT 5b





ICT 2d
G 2e



A2 a/b

2b, Working with Others
*I can tell someone about what I am learning in a lesson.
2b, Information Technology
*I use the Internet to help me find out more about my local area.
2b, Communication Skills
*I can draw labelled diagrams about my area using geographical language.

Look at old map of Fulwell Mill – why was this built.  Why so important?  Look at use of land and discuss built up nature of Fulwell now.  Walk local area to the crossroads at Blue Bell.  On return draw simple maps to show landmarks, buildings and roads we have passed.

ICT LINK Google Earth, My World.

G2e, 2a, b, d





ICT 1a – 2d


2a, Communication Skills
*My ideas are shown in my:
Drawings, Paintings, Collage work, Textile Work
2c Problem Solving
*I investigate:
Drawing, Collage, Textiles


2a, 2b Working with others
* I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison is unfair.
*I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation.
*2a,2b, Improving Learning
*I compare what happened to what I expected to happen and try to explain it.
*I review my work and explain to others what I did.

Children to use magnifying glass to look and draw a selection of fabrics and the way it is made be weaving.  Children to make a fabric swatch display with their material and drawing
IcT – Espresso Materials/digital microscope quiz.
Children to investigate dyeing paper with a range of natural ingredients i.e. beetroot, onion, coffee, orange juice



Children to test a range of papers & plastic to see if it is transparent – discuss reasons for transparent glass in windows and properties of glass.  Children to select transparent material to make windows for a house to be displayed on window – use brick/tile shapes to complete house.  Children could go outdoors to look at shapes of tiles/bricks on local homes.
BBC – Cats’ Eyes video on materials

S3 1c/d
ICT 2d
Art 2 a/b
Art 4b





3 1d

G C 2b
*I can draw labelled diagrams about my area, using geographical language.








2a/b, Working with others
*I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison in unfair
2a/b, Improving Learning
*I compare what happened to what I expected to happen and try to explain it.
*I review my work and explain to others what I did.

Children to visit Fulwell Mill.  Discuss place names, materials of homes/buildings.  Mill curator to give history and working of Mill.





Children to write report of Mill visit.  Draw simple maps of our route.  Digital photographs of route/landmarks – put onto slideshow for IWB


Children to look at a variety of bags and suggest ways to strengthen them/design techniques working with partner.  Children to select a paper to make a bag to carry a small bag of flour – discuss how to join/use of stapes, cellotape and glue etc.  Talk about how to make a
fair test of the bags.  Test bags to carry flour & evaluate their success

Geography /

Science / Literacy
G2b, G2c, G2e, G4a
S 3/d


ICT 5d





Sc3d, DT1b

2a, 2b, Improving Learning
*I can talk about the similarities and differences between my own and other’s work
*I adapt and improve my own work
2a, 2c Problem Solving
*I investigate:
Drawing, collage, textiles, printing
*I investigate shapes, patterns and textures.


2d, Working with others
*I listen carefully and take part in class discussions
2d Communication
*I talk about places far away from home that are different to my area.

Children to draw different aspects of the Mill.  Also use template to make a moving sails windmill with split pin/or make model windmill with 3D carton & card sails.








Children to work as a class with teacher or cook to make bread buns
Children to make picture/story board of instructions of making bread


Children to look and taste a variety of breads from different countries.  Map of world IWB to locate places.  Discuss likes/dislikes and create a class graph of favourite breads on IWB

A 1a
A 2c









Sc3 2b


Speaking & Listening

2a, 2b Working with others
*I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison is unfair.
*I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation
2b, c Improving Learning
*I review my work and explain to others what I did
*I keep a mind map of what I have learned.


2a, 2c, Working with others
*I work as part of a group when I am observing, investigating or making
*I know about artists and craftspeople from other times.
Children to investigate a range of materials and sort/record materials that are magnetic onto table.
ICT Espresso materials










Look at LCP examples of weaving and slideshow of people weaving on IWB.  How can we use fabrics to weave into gardening net as a simple loom.  Children to select a range of ribbons, plastics, materials, paper to make a weaving with a partner.

Science S3 1d
ICT 2d












Art Science

*2a, 2b Science Working with others
*I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison is unfair
*I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation

Children could also work in larger groups with PE hoops./ garden nets, oven grils etc.


2a, 2b Improving Learning
*I check my own work using a list given to me by my teacher.
*I can tell someone about what I am learning in a lesson.

Children to look at the webpage and tourist guide for Fulwell Mill.  What is important to put into a brochure.  Children to design and make an information booklet about Fulwell Mill.



Mini SATs booklets for assessment on materials.




Make up a fair test to investigate materials best suited to make a house – paper, lego, lolly sticks etc.

ICT 1a


