Key Skills

Year One Spring Term (2)

'Let's Move'

National Curriculum

Communication Skills
*I record my observations using: text
*I describe my observations, using scientific vocabulary

SC2b.3 / 4
Communication Skills  
*I recount what I have done
*I use bulleted lists to describe the equipment I used and the steps I took

Visit local street (Dene Lane) to view objects that frequently move.  Discuss how objects need a push/pull force.  In class write a report on items seen in locality/make pictures and labels/make a graph of items – “ICT Link – Science Ready Resources CD”


Year group to use hall time to investigate movement of wheeled toys.  Children invited to bring certain items from home – skateboard, scooter, bike – children to draw items and indicate with arrow where force is used to create movement

Children to make a chart to show household/school items that move with a push or pull.  Discuss their ideas and recording.







Application of Maths Level 2
*In my observations I measure:
Length (cm, metres)
Problem Solving
*I make suggestions about how to collect data to answer a question (with help)

Working with others
*I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison is unfair.
*I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation.

Working with others
*I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison is unfair.
*I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation.
*I make sure I work safely

Working in pairs children to investigate different ways of stopping an item from moving – a ball on a table.  Discuss dangers of stopping moving objects.
Whole class activity to design a fair test using a ramp and small cars.  Discuss best ways to measure distance travelled.



Paired work with above test – using different surfaces.  Discuss why certain surfaces were better than others for the car to travel on.



Children to discuss ways of moving a small plastic ball across table without touching it – i.e. wind power.  Children to suggest ideas to make the wind – straws, flapping paper…. Children could make pinwheels/kites/sailing boats to add movement with the force of wind.
BBC – Cats’ Eyes video – forces


Assessment booklet on forces.













4.2 a/b







4.2 a/b/c/


Espresso Movement Programs – prediction and checking. – science clips forces


Black Cat Turtle – programmed movement + Tizzy’s first tools using directions.  ICT – Flobot program


Floor Roamer – programmed directions and distance.  Take digital photographs of vehicles and dangers in Ebdon Lane.

ICT 1 a.b.c.






ICT5 b/c

Application of Mathematics Level 2
*I answer questions about the number of things I see in my local area.
Working with Others Level 2
*I can listen to someone else’s views about a place.
*I listen carefully and take part in class discussions
Problem Solving Level 2
*I can think of ways to improve my local area or my school
*I can count traffic and suggest reasons why the flow changes at different times.

During the science visit to see movement – talk about noisy/busy roads and safety.  What features are locally placed to make our roads safe?  Traffic lights, yellow lines, car signs and parks etc.  Discuss cars and safety when children walk along Ebdon Lane – what are dangers.  How could we make Ebdon Lane better and safer?
Can children draw features to improve Ebdon Lane?  Discuss their drawings and plans.  Which ideas would be most successful?


Communication Skills Level 2
*I write about my diagrams and labels
*I discuss the improvements needed for my work
Problem Solving Level 2
*I plan what to do next when working on my designs
*I select the right tools, techniques and materials and explain why I have chosen them.
*I investigate a range of products and say how they are put together and whether they do what they are supposed to do.

Provide a range of wheeled vehicled toys for children to examine.  Can children identify the parts of a car – body, chassis, axles, wheels, cab ….

Discuss why vehicles have wheels – do they all have same size?  Why are vehicles different sizes and shapes?  Which vehicles have parts that move or lights?  Draw a selection of vehicles and label parts.


Children to use a variety of construction kits to make a moving vehicle – lego, card kit, Meccano,l K’nex etc.








Improving Learning Level 2
*I evaluate my work, saying if it does what I wanted it to do and whether it is a quality product.

Teacher to demonstrate different ways to attach axle and wheels to a box – straws, pegs,  Δ with hole.  Children then to design a vehicle they would like to make and list items to use.

Children to be encouraged to collect all items and tools they will need to make their vehicle.  Give children opportunities to design logos on ICT and decorate accurately.  Look at completed vehicles and evaluate their success.  Can vehicles move along floor?


ICT Espresso – transport videos – different types of journeys and travel.


Children to use IWB pictures/slideshows of old and new transport.  Discuss how people may have moved in the past.  Can children draw a simple time-line to show some forms of transport.  BBC Magic Grandad video - travel

4 a/b
1a, 1d, 1e



2a, c, d, e, f







1a, b

Improving Own Learning & Performance Level 2
*I know that events from the past are told in many different ways.
*I add to my list of ways I find out about the past
Communication Skills Level 2
*I can tell or write stories about events in a famous person’s life
*I can recount the story of the life of a famous person (or event) with some interesting details.
*I use:
Labelled diagrams

Discuss with children comparative pictures of old/new vehicles.  Look at Espresso video of the Wright Brothers first aeroplane flight.  What are differences?  Why was first flight important to our life today?  Children to sort/cut and stick old/new vehicles.


Working with others Level 2
*I know that some events from the past still affect people’s lives today (e.g. remembrance day, The Black civil rights movement, Apartheid, the Holocaust).  I talk to people about these matters sensitively and respectfully.
Problem Solving Level 2
*I can sequence some events from a famous person’s life
*I can sequence the main episodes from a famous event.

Focus on 1 famous event/person in history of transport e.g. Wright Bros, Stephenson, Ford.  Use video, books as evidence of main events of the inventions.  Children to discuss aspects of the past and the invention of the car/train/plane.  Children to make moving picture of the Rocket, plane, Model T….


Working with others Level 2
*I know that some events from the past still affect people’s lives today (e.g. remembrance day, The Black civil rights movement, Apartheid, the Holocaust).  I talk to people about these matters sensitively and respectfully.
Problem Solving Level 2
*I can sequence some events from a famous person’s life
*I can sequence the main episodes from a famous event.

Children to recount the story of Stephenson with some interesting details.  Children to explain how these events affect people today.


Children to write a simple diary, recount, comic strip of life/event of Stephenson/Wright Bros/Ford.


Role play activities – Metro Station on shared area.
Acting out small play about chosen historical figure.
Small world paired play with train set, garage.


Children to use paint/collage to make a class frieze about transport on land, sea, air.




Using 2D shapes children to make simple pictures of transport – printing.


Children to use tyre tracks of wheeled vehicles to print pictures.


Children to use PAINTER to design and make vehicles.  Children can use a variety of tools to draw,   make background colour and utilise 2D shapes.


Painting road signs.


Drawing/creating road scenes with street furniture and vehicles – busy road.  My world-mytown ICT

Literacy Link










ART (to supplement curriculum)
1a, 5b




