Key Skills

Year One Spring Term (2)

'Out And About'

National Curriculum

2b-3 Communication Skills
*I record my observations, using:
•  Drawings & Labelled diagrams
Problem solving
*I make suggestions about how to collect data and to answer a question (with help)

Show children plants or pictures of plants e.g. apple tree, tomato plant, sweet corn, cabbage and ask them if they know why it is important for humans to grow plants.  Children to draw or cut and stick plant pictures to record those we eat and those we enjoy looking at.

Sc1, 2b
Sc1, 2f
Sc1, 2g
Sc2, 3b

Communication Skills
• Labelled diagrams
*I can draw labelled diagrams about my area, using geographical language

Select some plants that grow in different places around school to bring back to the class for observation work and labelling parts, as well as describing where they found them.
Ask the children why it is important not to pull up growing plants.

Geog, 7a
Geog, 5b

Communication Skills
• Labelled diagrams
*I can draw labelled diagrams about my area, using geographical language

Problem Solving
*I compare things and look for patterns

Improving & Learning
*I compare what happened to what I expected to happen and try to explain it.

Application of Mathematics
*In my observations I measure:
• Length (cm, metres)

Communication Skills
*I record my observations, using:
• Text
• Tables

Working with others Level 2
*I know about artists and craftspeople from other times.


Collect a selection of leaves growing in school grounds – draw from observation different leaves and label aspects that are similar and different.


Plant some quick growing seeds.  Ask the children to suggest how they will change as they grow.  Place seedlings in various places to test best conditions for healthy growth.


Look at the seeds that we planted last week.  Discuss any changes and make further predictions about what will happen.

Bring in a selection of fruits and look at where all the seeds are.  Record in a simple table showing if seeds are on inside/outside and if seeds can be eaten.
*Mini Sats Assessment-Plants

After visit to Mowbray Park children to discuss plants found there and at school.  Complete a table to show which plants we saw – compare results


Show children the work of an artist, craftsperson or designer who works with natural materials.  Ask the children why they think these people use natural, fallen or dying materials from the environment.  Is it because they love nature?  Do they want to attract attention to the beauty of nature without taking anything away?  Ask the children how these artists might record their work, e.g. in photographs, on film.

Sc2, 4b





Sc2, 3a
Sc2 – 3c





Sc1, 2g







Art & Design

Communication Skills Level 2
*My ideas are shown in my:
Drawings, Paintings, Collage work, Textile Work, Printing, Sculpture
Problem Solving Level 2
*I investigate sculpture
Working with others Level 2
*I work as part of a group when I am observing, investigating or making
Improving Own Learning & Performance Level 2
*I compare my work to that of famous artists or craftspeople

Ask the children to explain what ‘sculpture’ is and what a sculptor does.  Ask if they know what materials are used to make sculptures, e.g. stone, wood and metal.



Ask children to collect and bring from home a wide variety of natural materials.  These will be used to create individual sculptures.  Children could go on a nature find to bring items into class to draw and arrange onto a memory stock or collage of items found.

Art & Design





Communication Skills Level 2
*My ideas are shown in my:
• Collage work
Working with others Level 2
• I work as part of a group when I am observing, investigating or making.
Improving Learning Level 2
* I compare my work to that of famous artists or craftspeople.

Drawing sculptures, moving on from using pencil/charcoal to using coloured pencils to make a more accurate representation.


Children to imagine a place like a park or garden.  What can they see, smell, hear….?


Ask the children to create a collage using natural materials that match their feelings about the place.  Make a simple birds’ eye map of a garden and add collage onto it in a shoebox lid.

Art & Design


Art & Design

Information Technology Level 2
*I use a digital camera to take images of things people have made and the natural world.  I look at:
• Lines
• Patterns
• Textures
• Shapes and
• Colours
Science Information Technology
*I use a digital camera
Working with others Level 2
*I can work in a small group to find out more about part of my school or my local area.
Application of Maths Level 2
*I answer questions about the number of things I see in my local area.
*I use tally charts and tables to record the number of cars that I see, or to record information about the type of buildings I see.

Carry out a simple survey of plants and where they grow around the school grounds.  Use a plan of the grounds to locate which plants grow where.  Use digital camera to record specimens in locality.

Sc2, 5a
Geog 7a
IC 5b






Working With Others Level 2
*I can describe how places all over the world are linked (e.g. food from other countries).
Working with Others Level 2
*I can listen to someone else’s views about a place.
Information Technology
*I use the Internet to help me find out more about my local area.




Devise a simple survey to use at the park next week to investigate plants.  Compile a class list to predict plants, features etc. we may see at the park.  Use plan of the park for reference.  Look on Mowbray website


Visit to Mowbray Park and Winter Gardens – children to go on a sculpture walk with park staff, a walk around the park to assess the features and amenities, to look in the Winter Gardens to see plants from other countries.

Sc1, 2h
Sc1, 2i
Geog 1a, b, c
Geog, 3e
Geog 7b

Communication skills Level 2
*I can draw labelled diagrams about my area, using geographical language.

Use a simple map to show the children where we went on our trip to Mowbray Park.  Children to describe the route we took and which transport we used.  Discuss the main things that we saw.  Can children list items of similarity or difference when comparing with our local environment.

Sc2, 5b
Geog 2a, b, c, d, e

Problem Solving Level 2
*I investigate:
Sculpture and

Class discussion about favourite aspects of the park.  Make a decision about what to include in individual books – children can make a non fiction book about the park.


Children to design a poster to encourage people to visit the park.

Geog 1c, d



Geog 1d
ICT 3b