Key Skills

Suggested Activities


Learning Objectives

Looking Good,

Feeling Great


What do the children already know about looking good and feeling great? Make a list (or labelled pictures) individually or as a class. Create a mindmap of what we want to find out

Assessment for Learning

Communication Skills Level 2
• I describe my observations, using scientific vocabulary
• I record my observations using text, tables, drawings and labeled diagrams
• I recount what I have done

Information Technology Level 2
• I use the computer to play science games where I have to investigate
• I use the computer to record my results on a table, chart or pictogram

Working with Others level 2
• I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation
• I make sure I work safely

Working with Others level 3
• I take part in group discussions
• I work with a partner to plan, think of questions and to find equipment to carry out investigations

Improving Own Learning and Performance level 2
• I keep a mind map of what I have learned
• I review my work and explain to others what I did

Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I explain my observations, linking them to other things I know in Science
• I keep a mind map of my learning and use it to make associations

Problem Solving Level 2
• I make suggestions about how to collect data to answer a question (with help)
• I use books to find out information (with help)
• I use equipment the teacher has given me to make observations

Problem Solving Level 3
• I give answers to the teacher’s suggestions
• I give my own ideas about how to find the answer to a question
• I use books to find out information
• I think of the equipment I will use to carry out an investigation

What do humans need to stay alive and healthy? Food, water, exercise, rest etc
Discuss food groups and what is meant by a balanced/healthy diet. Collect packaging, pictures and photographs of food to create display of food pyramid. What do we get from each food group and what is the benefit for our bodies? E.g. We need calcium for healthy bones and teeth. We get it from ……
What happens to our body during exercise – circuit training activities during P.E. Check heart rate, perspiration etc at regular intervals (including at rest)
What happens to our body during sleep – cells repair, muscles relax, mind rests etc. Record in a variety of ways e.g. pictorially
Create a paper skeleton from template, joining parts together with paper fasteners. What is the purpose of our skeleton ? How can we look after it? Look at the role of muscles and key organs (in a simple way). How can we keep them healthy ?
Investigate how we change as we grow up.  Bring photographs of ourselves as babies. Play “Guess the baby” How have we changed ?
What can a baby/toddler/themselves do ? How can we keep a baby or toddler safe? How do we keep safe ? Look at the role of medicines and safety of medicines. (If showing actual medicines remember safety rules and keep all medicines locked away and supervise all access.)
Personal hygiene – what do we need to do (wash hands etc) and why?

Sc2 Life Processes and Living Things
2b Humans and other animals need food and water to stay alive
2c Taking exercise and eating the right types and amounts of food help humans to keep healthy

1b Animals, including humans move, feed , grow, use their senses and reproduce


















2d The role of drugs as medicines

Communication Skills Level 2
• I write about my work using diagrams and labels
• I write about who my products are for and explain why they will be useful, giving clear examples
• I discuss the improvements needed for my work
• I describe the characteristics of the materials I have chosen
• I recount the design and make process with lively detail

Communication Skills Level 3
• I clarify ideas when asked
• I use words, labeled sketches and models to communicate the details of my designs
Application of Maths Level 2
• I can estimate the size of things by comparing, using language like; bigger, biggest, smaller, smallest, about the same as
Application of Maths Level 3
• I time my preparation time accurately so that my product turns out just right.

Information Technology Level 2
• I take digital photographs of my products and combine them with text to describe and evaluate my products
• I can put together a set of digital photographs of my work into a slide show with captions
Information Technology Level 3
• I research products and designs by using the Internet
• I present my designs and ideas using ICT
Working With Others Level 2
• I sometimes work with a partner to design and make a product
• I sometimes ask others what they think of my design so as to get ideas from them before I begin to make it
Working With Others Level 3
• I seek the views of others about my designs and products
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 2
• I recognise what I have done well as my work progresses, and I suggest what I could do better in the future
• I evaluate my work, saying if it does what I wanted it to do and whether it is a quality product

Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I constantly evaluate my work
• I can say where evaluation of my design has led to improvements
• I talk and write about the skills I have developed

Problem Solving Level 2
• I plan what to do next when working on designs
• I select the right tools, techniques and materials and explain why I have chosen them

Problem Solving Level 3
• I know my designs have to meet a range of needs
• I make realistic plans
• I think ahead and plan the order of my work
• I choose the appropriate tools, equipment, materials, components and techniques for my design

Discuss food and how it needs to be prepared – some food can be eaten raw, some needs to be cooked. Look at how shape, taste and texture alters when food is cooked. How can food be stored ? Look at the designs of packets, tins, cartons etc. Which foods are kept in each? How does food change in texture taste etc between fresh and tinned/frozen etc.
Discuss what ingredients you would use for a salad. What shapes, textures, colours are represented. Discuss designing a salad. What would we need to remember – mix of colour, texture etc, to make it look attractive to eat. As a class decide on possible ingredients.
Working in groups decide on ingredients for a group salad. Design the salad, listing ingredients and tools required.
Investigate tools – how do they work, is it a good design?
Make salad, paying attention to food hygiene and safety.
Discuss salad after eating it. What did you like about design, ingredients etc. What would you change next time? How would you make a salad attractive for a toddler etc?

Design and Technology
1a Generate ideas by drawing on their own and other people’s experiences
1c Talk about their ideas
1e Communicate their ideas using a variety of methods, including drawing
2a Select tools, techniques and materials for making their product from a range suggested by the teacher.
2e Use simple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of their product, using arrange of equipment
2f Follow safe procedures for food hygiene and safety
3a Talk about their ideas, saying what they like and dislike
3b Identify what they could have done differently or how they could improve their work in the future
Breadth of Study:
5c Design and make assignments using a range of materials including food

Communication Skills Level 2
• My ideas are shown in my drawings, paintings, collage work, textile work, printing, sculpture and photographs
(I am always looking at lines, patterns, textures, shapes and colours)
• I can recount my work in my Art Sketch Book
• I write about my ideas, using ‘annotation’ in my Art Sketch Book

Communication Skills Level 3
• I can show relationships between people in my drawings
• I can say what I feel and think about the work of others and my own
• My skills in drawing, painting, collage, textiles, sculpture, and photography help me to communicate my ideas using colour, pattern, texture, line and tone, shape and form
Information Technology Level 2
• I use a digital camera to take images of things people have made and the natural world. I look at lines, patterns, textures, shapes and colours
• I change my digital images using the computer

Information Technology Level 3
• I use the printed images I take with a digital camera and combine them with other media
• I use the computer to alter images and to combine them with other images
• I use a paint package to alter scanned images
• I present  a collection of my ICT work on a slide show presentation

Working With Others Level 2
• I work as part of a group when I am observing, investigating or making
• I know about art from other cultures
•  Know about artists and craftspeople from other times
Working With Others Level 3
• I am beginning to understand the viewpoints of others by looking at images, people, places and so on from a different angle
• I can make useful comments on the ideas of others
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 2
• I can talk about the similarities and differences between my own and other’s work
• I adapt and improve my own work
• I keep notes in my Art Sketch Book of how I would change my work
• I compare my work to that of famous artists or craftspeople
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I adapt and improve my work, thinking about the purpose of my work and keep notes in my Art Sketch Book
• I keep notes about the purpose of my work in my Art Sketch Book, using labels, captions and short paragraphs
Problem Solving Level 2
• I investigate drawing, collage, textiles, printing, sculpture and photos to see how I can best use them to get across my ideas
• I experiment with ways of framing images
• I investigate shapes, patterns and textures
Problem Solving Level 3
• I experiment with different materials and techniques to find the best ones for the purpose of my work
• I know that art can be both visual and tactile. I choose the best combination for my work

Observational drawings and paintings of a range of food.
Models of fruit and vegetables using a range of materials.
Collage work using pictures of food e.g a person made from fruit.
Following work on skeleton investigate how you can draw movement in a figure. Draw a person running etc.
Look at the work of famous artists.
Look at the landscape work of famous artists. What season are they depicting?

1a Record from first hand observation, experience and imagination and explore ideas
2a Investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and processes
2c Represent observations, ideas and feelings and design and make images and artifacts
3a Review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it
3b Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work
4a Visual and tactile elements, including colour, pattern and texture, line and tone, shape, form and space.
4c Differences and similarities in the work of artists.

Communication Skills Level 2
• I know that people and weather can change an environment
• I can write or draw pictures about how people or the weather can affect places
• I talk about places that are far away from home that are different to my area
Communication Skills Level 3
• I use the right geographical words to describe features (e.g. temperature)
Application of Maths Level 2
• I can read a thermometer
Application of Maths Level 3
• I use atlases to locate page numbers for information
• I can represent a 3d shape as a 2d image (e.g. the globe as a flat map)
• I measure wind speed, rainfall and noise levels around the school
• I record my information on charts, graphs and tables
Information Technology Level 2
• I use the computer to draw graphs of information I have collected, and I can use this to answer questions
(e.g. weather information)
• I use the Internet to help me find out more about my local area (weather patterns)
• I can use text and pictures to tell people about my school or local area (weather patterns etc)

Information Technology Level 3
• I use the Internet to find out about a contrasting locality
Working With Others Level 2
• I can listen to someone else’s views about a place
• I can work in a small group to find out more about my local area
• I listen carefully and take part in class discussions
• I can describe how places all over the world are linked e.g. food from other countries
Working With Others Level 3
• I prepare questionnaires to investigate people’s views about an environmental issue

Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 2
• I check my own work using a list given to me by my teacher
• I can tell someone about what I am learning in a lesson.
• I use mind maps to record what I have learned
• I know what I need to do to make my work better because I always read what my teacher has written
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I know about at least one theme in Geography (e.g water and its effect on people, an environmental issue)

Look at a globe. Discuss Northern and Southern Hemispheres, Equator, Tropics Arctic and Antarctic. Discuss weather patterns and systems. Explore the path of the earth around the sun (Weather p8-9)
Name the seasons and their order. What are the key features of the seasons? Which words would you use to describe each season and its weather? Using a basic landscape picture children could work individually , in pairs or groups to show the weather in a particular season. Compare features and similarities and differences . Listen to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. How does the music make you feel? Can you draw/paint a picture to show the season inspired by the music?
Investigate different types of weather including ‘extreme’ weather. Look at the effects of extreme weather – flooding, hurricane damage. Make a booklet about extreme weather.
Look at the way we measure weather e.g. temperature, Beaufort scale. Draw pictures, label diagrams to show differences e.g. what clothes would you wear at different temperatures? How would trees etc look at different wind strengths.
Investigate weather forecasts (use BBC Weather website for local weather forecasts ). Compare forecast to a place in the Southern Hemisphere. What does it tell us about the seasons?. Present information in a variety of ways including charts and tables. Keep a weather diary for the local area and a place abroad (using Internet information). How can you present the information?
Examine the country of origin of the food we eat. Why do we need to import it? Look at the climate which allows it to grow. Discuss ecological issues e.g air miles – should we only eat locally grown produce? Pollution from transporting food a long way. Organic food – can we produce enough food this way to feed everyone or do we need intensive farming? Fairtrade issues.

1a Ask geographical questions
1b Observe and record
1d Communicate in different ways
2d Use secondary sources of information
4a Make observations about features in the environment (for example seasonal changes in weather)
4b Recognise changes in physical and human features (for example heavy rain, flooding fields)