Key Skills

Suggested Activities


Learning Objectives




Begin a mind map of what they children already know about electricity and machines. What do we want to find out?

Communication Skills Level 2
• I describe my observations, using scientific vocabulary
• I record my observations using text, tables, drawings and labelled diagrams
• I recount what I have done
• I use bulleted lists to describe the equipment I used and the steps I took
Communication Skills Level 3
• I can explain why a test is fair
• I use scientific vocabulary in my explanations
• I record and write about my observations using text, labelled diagrams, annotated sketches, bulleted lists, explanations, and other styles of writing I know

Application of Maths Level 2
• In my observations I measure length and time using the correct equipment and I record my observations accurately
Application of Maths Level 3
• I look for patterns in my recorded measurements and try to explain them
Information Technology Level 2
• I use the computer to record my results on a table chart or pictogram
• I use the computer to play science games where I have to investigate
Information Technology Level 3
• I use the computer to play science games in which I use my knowledge and understanding to find out answers
Working With Others Level 2
• I take part in group discussions
• I work with a partner to plan, think of questions
• And to find equipment to carry out investigations
Working With Others Level 3
• I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison is unfair
• I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation
• I make sure I work safely
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 2
• I compare what happened to what I expected to happen and try to explain it
• I review my work and explain to others what I did
• I keep a mind map of what I have learned
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I know why it is important to collect data to answer questions
• I review my work and compare my predictions with my results
• I explain observations, linking them to other things I know in Science
• I keep a mind map of my learning and use it to make associations
Problem Solving Level 2
• I make suggestions about how to collect data to answer a question (with help)
• I use books to find out information (with help)
• I use equipment the teacher has given me to make observations
• I compare things and look for patterns
Problem solving Level 3
• I give answers to the teachers suggestions
• I give my own ideas about how to find the answer to a question
• I use books to find out information
• I can carry out a fair test (with some help)
• I think of the equipment I will use to carry out an investigation

Use catalogues/ magazines to make a collage of machines  which use electricity. What does the electricity make it do – move, heat up etc. Investigate a selection of battery operated/remote controlled toys. How do they work? What is the power making them do?
Walk around school looking for machines which use electricity
Trace the route of electricity from the power station to the classroom. Record in pictoral form. Investigate mains and battery sources of electricity – what are the advantages and disadvantages. Emphasise safety issues when working with/using electricity.
Investigate natural sources of electricity  -storms
Investigate static electricity – comb and paper experiment
Investigate/name components of a circuit – what is it called/what is it’s function ?
Give pairs of children components to make a circuit – no instructions given. Invite children to make the bulb light up.(G+T children could have some ‘red herrings’ in their packs. Can they write instructions for a circuit for someone else to follow?
Can you make a circuit involving two bulbs? A buzzer? What is a switch? How does it work. Look at a variety of materials as conductors
(ICT – Espresso Science 1 Electricity)
Use a variety of everyday sources of information – computers, CD’s etc emphasise they use electricity.

Scientific Enquiry (Sc1)
1a To know that it is important to collect evidence by making observations and measurements when trying to answer a question
2a Ask questions
2b Use first hand experience and simple information sources to answer questions
2c Think about what might happen before deciding what to do
2d Recognise when a test or comparison is unfair
2e Follow simple instructions to control the risks to themselves and others
2g Communicate what happened in a variety of ways including ICT ( e.g. speech, writing, drawing, tables, block graphs and pictograms)
2i Compare what happened with what they expected would happen, and try to explain it, drawing on their knowledge and understanding
2j Review their work and explain what they did to others
Physical Processes (SC4)
1a Know that everyday appliances use electricity
1b Know about simple series circuits involving batteries, wires, bulbs and other components (e.g. buzzers)
1c Know how a switch can be used to break a circuit

Communication Skills Level 2
• I can tell or write stories about events in a famous person’s life
• I can recount the story of the life of a famous person (or event) with some interesting detail
• I use labelled diagrams, recount, stories, diaries and pictures (art) to tell people what I know about the past
Communication Skills Level 3
• I use key words and phrases from the time period I am telling someone about
• I present my work in lots of different ways
• I tell others (in a variety of ways) about what life in the past (before electricity) was like
• I can choose aspects of historical information to organise, summarise and present
Application of Maths Level 2
• I use a time line to sequence things correctly, using dates
• I can work out how many decades have past since a recent event
• I can work out how many centuries have past since a major event in British history
Application of Maths Level 3
• I can divide the past into different periods of time and represent this on a time line
• I use key dates to describe events
Information Technology Level 2
• I use the computer to find out about famous figures (or events) from the past
• I use the computer to give my views about historical figures (or events) and to describe their lives (effects on people’s lives)
Information Technology Level 3
• I present my work using simple slide shows, sometimes using sound
• I use the Internet to search for information about people and events
• I format my work so that it is well presented for a variety of audiences or purposes
Improving Own Learning and Performance
• I know that events from the past are told in many different ways
• I add to my list of ways to find out about the past
• I am beginning to know that different types of evidence tell us different things about the past
• I know that some things happened before living memory and can talk about some of them
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I understand that some evidence gives us limited information and that this results in different interpretations
• I know that the lives of people in a historical period were not all the same
Problem Solving Level 2
• I can sequence some events from a famous person’s life
• I can sequence the main episodes from a famous event


Find out about the life of Joseph Swan and Michael Farraday using websites, books, etc. Who were they? Where did they live? Why did they discover? Why was it important? What differences did it make to everyday life? What was life like without electricity? Look at everyday life in the home before electricity. How did life change? Examine a series of everyday machines and trace their history e.g vacuum cleaner.

1b Use common words and phrases relating to the passage of time (e.g before, after, a long time ago, past)
2b Identify differences between ways of life at different times
4a Find out about the past from a range of sources of information
Ask and answer questions about the past
5 Select from their knowledge of history and communicate it in a variety of ways
6b To know about the way of life of people in the more distant past who lived in the local area or elsewhere in Britain
6c To know about the lives of significant men, women and children drawn from the history of Britain and the wider world (e.g. artists, engineers, inventors, scientists)

Communication Skills Level 2
• I write about my work using diagrams and labels
• I discuss the improvements needed for my work
• I describe the characteristics of the materials I have chosen
• I recount the design and make process with lively detail
Communication Skills Level 3
• I clarify ideas when asked
• I use words, labelled sketches and models to communicate the details of my designs
• I describe how my product will be of use to the user
• I create adverts for my products, focusing on quality, design and benefits
Application of Maths Level 2
• I can estimate the size of things by comparing, using language like: bigger, biggest, smaller, smallest, about the same as
• I know what half, quarter and three quarters are and use each as a measurement
Application Of Mathematics Level 3
• I measure accurately
• I use my knowledge of shape to help me design lively products
Information Technology Level 2
• I take digital photographs of my products and combine them with text to describe and evaluate my products
• I can put together a set of digital photographs of my work in a slide show with captions
Information Technology Level 3
• I research products and designs by using the Internet
• I present my designs and ideas using ICT
• I create animated slide shows to ‘advertise’ the benefits of my products or design ideas
Working With others level 2
• I sometimes work with a partner to design and make a product
• I sometimes ask others what they think of my design so as to get ideas from them before I begin to make it
Working With Others Level 3
• I seek the views of others about my designs and products
Improving Own Learning and Performance level 2
• I recognise what I have done well as my work progresses and I suggest what I could do better in the future
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I constantly evaluate my work
• I can say where evaluation of my design has led to improvements
• I talk and write about the skills I have developed
• I carry out tests before I make improvements to my work
Problem Solving Level 2
• I plan what to do next when working on my designs
• I select the right tools, techniques, and materials and explain why I have chosen them
Problem Solving Level 3
• I make realistic plans
• I think ahead and plan the order of my work
• I choose the appropriate tools, equipment , materials, components and techniques for my design
• I can use electrical circuits and switches to good effect


Examine the work of Leonardo Da Vinci. Look at his designs for machines. Can you design a machine that would help you to fly? Promote your design in an advert.
. Investigate the best way to join particular materials.
Practise joining materials together using blu tak, string, glue, sellotape, split pins etc. Design and make a model using as many of these ways of joining as possible
Design and make an inventor’s workshop with a lighting element to demonstrate knowledge of a circuit.
Watch DVD of Wallace and Grommit or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What did the machine do? How did it work?
Design a fantasy machine – to help Santa deliver the presents, a present wrapping machine etc


Design and Technology
1a Generate ideas by drawing on their own and other people’s experiences
1b Develop ideas by shaping materials and putting together components
1c Talk about their ideas
1d Plan by suggesting what to do next as their ideas develop
1e Communicate their ideas using a variety of methods including drawing and making models
2a Select tools, techniques and materials for making their product from a range suggested by the teacher
2b Explore the sensory qualities of materials
2c Measure, mark out, cut and shape  a range of materials
2d Assemble, join and combine materials and components
2e Use simple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of their product using a range of equipment
3a Talk about their ideas, saying what they like and dislike
3b Identify what they could have done differently or how they could improve their work in the future


Communication Skills Level 2
• My ideas are shown in my drawings, paintings, collage work, textile work, printing, sculpture and photographs (I am always looking at lines, patterns, textures, colours and shapes)
• I can recount my work in my Art Sketch Book
• I write about my ideas, using ‘annotation’ in my Art Sketch Book
Communication Skills Level 3
• I can say what I think and feel about the work of others and my own
• My skills in drawing, painting, collage, textiles, sculpture and photography help me to communicate my ideas using colour, pattern, texture, line and tone, shape and form
Application of Mathematics Level 2
• I can make 2d and 3d shapes
• I recognise and use reflective symmetry in shapes and patterns I create
Application of Mathematics Level 3
• I use the Internet to research artists
Working With Others Level 2
• I work as part of a group when I am observing, investigating and making
• I know about artists and craftspeople from other times
Working With others Level 3
• I can make useful comments on the ideas of others
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 2
• I can talk about the similarities and differences between my own and other’s work
• I adapt and improve my own work
• I keep notes in my Art Sketch Book of how I would change my work
• I compare my work to that of famous artists or craftspeople
Improving Own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I adapt and improve my work, thinking about the purpose of the work
• I suggest improvements to my work and keep notes in my Art Sketch Book
• I keep notes about the purpose of my work in my Art Sketch Book, using labels, captions and short paragraphs
Problem Solving Level 2
• I investigate drawing, collage, textiles, printing, sculpture and photos to see how I can use them to get across my ideas
• I experiment with ways of framing images
• I investigate shapes, patterns and textures
Problem Solving Level 3
• I experiment with different materials and techniques to find the best ones for the purpose of my work
• I know that art can be both visual and tactile. I choose the best combination for my work

Observational drawings of a range of everyday machines. Collage work using components from machines (real or made from cardboard e.g cogs, wheels)
Drawings of imaginary machines linked to DT work
Paintings of machines – real and imaginary.
Finishing techniques to DT models
Take digital images of machines from unusual angles and frame in a variety of ways.
Examine a range of images of machines. How have they been represented (Google images) ?
Make a block relief in clay of a house, using slip as a joining technique,

1a Record from first hand observation, experience and imagination and explore ideas
2b Try out tools and techniques and apply these to materials and processes including drawing
2c Represent observations, ideas and feelings and design and make images and artefacts
3a Review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it
3b Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in their future work
4a Know about differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures

Christmas Activities Based On Machines


Take several photographs of a local view, composition of flowers, natural objects etc using zoom facility. Delete unwanted images. Print selected image, saving to file and use image to make a calendar

I can take a photograph, view an image, delete, print and save using a digital camera


Select picture from clipart/photographs, add text, spell check, save work and print as Christmas card

Use desktop publishing techniques to make a card