Key Skills

Suggested Activities


Learning Objectives

Home And Away



Improving Own Learning and Performance level 2
• I can tell someone what I am learning in a lesson
• I use mind maps to record what I have learned

Begin a mindmap showing areas we want to investigate/what we already know. Return to this mindmap at frequent intervals during the term. At the end of theme ask children to indicate on a fact sheet or mindmap what they have learned.

To assess previous knowledge and to plan the topic with children. (Assessment for Learning)

Improving Own Learning and Performance level 3
• I can tell someone about aspects of the British Isles
• I know about at least one theme in geography (water and its effects on people or places; how settlements change or an environmental issue
Communication Skills level 2
• I know that people and weather can change the environment
• I can draw labelled diagrams about my area, using geographical language
• I can write or draw pictures about how people or the weather can affect places
• I talk about places far away from home that are different to my area
Level 3
• I can write a newspaper article about a local issue
• I use the right geographical words to describe features (e.g. temperature, transport, industry)
• I draw maps, sketches, plans of local places (e.g. shops)
• I write about how people improve their environment
Problem Solving level 2
• I can think of ways to improve my local area or my school
• I can take two points of view about a local issue and look for a solution

Application of Maths level 2
• I answer questions about the number of things I see in my local area
• I use tally charts and tables to record the number of cars that I see, or to record information about the types of buildings I see
• I can read a thermometer

Level 3
• I use atlases to locate page numbers for information
• I can represent a3d shape as a 2d image (e.g. the globe as a flat map)
• I record my information on charts graphs and tables

Information Technology level 2
• I use the internet to help me find out more about my local area
• I can use text and pictures to tell people about my school or local area
Level 3
• I use the Internet to find out about a contrasting locality



Where do we live ?  Look at globe. Locate U.K. Discuss some features of the U.K. – countries, seas, islands, main mountain ranges. Locate North East of England on a map, then Sunderland. Within Sunderland we either live and/or go to school in Fulwell. What are the geographical and physical features of Fulwell? (Google earth)What is it like to live here? Write about, draw, label pictures of these features, what they like/dislike about the area including litter, traffic. Prepare a questionnaire about traffic / litter. Investigate and discuss answers received. What could be done to improve things?
Write a newspaper article about a local issue e.g. traffic on Ebdon Lane

 Make a simple map of the local area placing key features on it.



Traffic survey – homework- how often do they use a car/public transport in one weekend. Discuss benefits and disadvantages of the car/public transport.

 Geographical Skills and Enquiry:
 1a ask geographical questions
1b observe and record
1c express their own views about people, places and environments
1d Communicate in different ways
2a use geographical vocabulary
2b use fieldwork skills
2c use globes, plans, maps at a range of scales
2d use secondary sources of information
2e make maps and plans

Knowledge and Understanding of Places
2b identify and describe where places are
recognise how places have become the way they are and how they are changing

Knowledge and Understanding of Patterns and Processes:*
4a make observations of where things are located and about other features in the environment
Knowledge and Understanding of Environmental Change and sustainable Development
5a Recognise changes in the environment(e.g.traffic pollution)
5b recognise how the environment may be improved and sustained


Working with Others Level 2
• I can listen to someone else’s views about a place
• I can work in a small group to find out more about part of my school or my local area.
• I listen carefully and take part in class discussions

Level 3
• I prepare questionnaires to investigate people’s views about an environmental issue ( e.g. litter or vandalism)


Introduce the island of Struay from the Katie Morag stories. Look at the map of Struay. How does it compare to the maps we made of Fulwell – similarities  and differences. Draw maps of Struay locating main features from the stories. Compare/contrast features of island life and life in a city like Sunderland – amenities, leisure activities etc.
Examine Struay school (Katie Morag and the Riddles) . What differences can you see between this school and Struay school?  Collect riddles and solve them. Write some riddles of your own. Compile a class book of riddles.
Examine the viewpoints of various people about the construction of a new pier on Struay
Make a list from the storie,s of wildlife found in Struay. Use reference sources to find out about them. How many of these animals can be found in our local area ?. Make a frieze/large picture/display showing the animals and birds on Struay and the local area.



The Village shop and the Post Office are the only shops in Struay. Look at all the things the islanders can buy there. Compare the shops on Struay to local shopping areas – Sea Road, Metro Centre etc. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of living in remote areas. (Until the new pier was constructed ferries only stopped once a week, now they only stop three times a week). What difference would it make to their lives to live in a remote area? Are the islanders solely dependent on the chops for food – where else might it come from?
In Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted  what is it that makes her so cross? Is it really the teddy she is cross with? Have they ever felt jealous?

Imagine you  and your family have had a holiday on the island of Struay Writa a letter to your friends telling them what you have been doing and seeing.
Choose words that would describe a sunny day on Struay and a stormy day on Struay. Compose a poem using some of the words and phrases.
Imagine what Granma Mainland would hav said if she had known what Katie Morag and Grannie Island were doing with the rollers etc in Katie Morag and the Two grandmothers. Write down what she would have said.
Make a lost toy poster in caase you lose a toy (Tiresome Ted)
Write a letter to Katie Morag explaining about the school and your home. Tell her about the similarities and differences
Write a story about an adventure Katie Morag might have if she ever visited Sunderland.



Make a map of an imaginary island, marking geographical features and using geographical language.
Work with others on a relief map of an island – either real or imaginary – using a range of materials and techniques.
Give the children part of an image from a magazine or photograph. Ask them to draw what might be outside the given image

Examine the work of a variety of artists e.g. Lowry, Turner, (landscapes) . Look at styles and techniques . Produce a piece of artwork in the same style.

Knowledge and Understanding of Places
3dRecognise how places compare with other places
Geographical Skills and Enquiry:
 1a ask geographical questions
1b observe and record
1c express their own views about people, places and environments
1d Communicate in different ways
2a use geographical vocabulary
2b use fieldwork skills
2c use globes, plans, maps at a range of scales
2d use secondary sources of information
2e make maps and plans










Speaking and Listening









































5b collaborate with others on projects in two and three dimensions and different scales
5c use a range of materials and processes

1a To record from imagination and experience and observation


Knowledge and Understanding
4c to examine the similarities and differences  in the work of a variety of artists, craftspeople and designers in different times and cultures


Winter weather – what are the features of winter weather in U.K. ?  How does it affect our lives – clothing, shelter, extreme weather e.g. flooding, blizzards, effects on transport . Compare with a contrasting environment.
The weather dominates the lives of islanders (Struay) Listen to the shipping forecast (or find it in the internet. Find a map showing the areas named. Find the differences between the different strengths of wind (Beaufort scale)
Draw, paint , collage activities representing a variety of weather features.




Compose weather music with a clear beginning, middle and end, using a variety of instruments, including voice.


Look at instruments from other lands and listen to a variety of music from other lands – how does it make you feel, reflect their environment ?
Use symbols to record composition for others to play.


Review and refine composition. Perform for others.

Geography -Knowledge and Understanding of Patterns and Processes
4b recognise changes in physical and  human features





Art – Exploring and Developing Ideas
1a Record from first hand observation, experience and imagination and explore ideas.
Investigating and Making
2bTry out tools and techniques

Music – Creating and Developing
Musical Ideas
2a create musical patterns
2b explore, choose and organise
sounds and musical ideas
Listening and applying knowledge and Understanding
4b How the combined musical elements of pitch, duration, dynamics tempo, timbre, texture and silence can be organised and used expressively within simple structures
4c How sounds can be made in different ways and described using given and invented signs and symbols.
Responding and reviewing – appraising skills
3b make improvements to their own work