Key Skills

Suggested Activities


Learning Objectives




Scientific Enquiry :
Communication Skills Level 2
• I record my observation skills using tables, text, drawings and labelled diagrams.
• I describe my observations using scientific vocabulary
• I recount what I have done
• I use bulleted lists to describe the equipment I used and the steps I took.
Communication Skills Level 3
• I can explain why a test is fair
• I use scientific vocabulary in my explanations
• I record and write about my observations using text, labelled diagrams, annotated sketches, bulleted lists, explanations and other writing styles I know
Application of Maths Level 2
• I measure using the correct equipment and record my observations accurately.
Application of Maths Level 3
• I record my results in tables, charts, pictograms and graphs
• I look for patterns in my recorded measurements and try to explain them
Information Technology Level 2
• I use the computer to record my results on a table chart or pictogram
Information Technology Level 3
• I use the computer to play Science games in which I use my knowledge and understanding to find out answers.
Working With Others Level 2
• I work with a partner to explore whether a test or comparison is unfair
• I take part in discussions to offer suggestions about how to go about an investigation
• I make sure I work safely
Working With Others Level 3
• I take part in group discussions
• I work with a partner to plan, think of questions and to find equipment to carry out investigations
Improving own Learning and Performance Level 2
• I compare what happened to what I expected to happen and I try to explain it.
• I review my work and explain to others what I did.
• I keep a mindmap of what I have learned
Improving own Learning and Performance Level 3
• I know why it is important to collect data to answer questions
• I review my work and compare my predictions with my results
• I explain observations and linking them to other things I know in Science
• I keep a mindmap of my learning and use it to make associations
Problem Solving Level 2
• I make suggestions about how to collect data to answer a question (with help)
• I use books to find out information (with help)
• I use equipment the teacher has given me to make observations
• I compare things and look for patterns
Problem Solving Level 3
• I give answers to the teacher’s suggestions
• I give my own ideas about how to find the answer to a question
• I use books to find out information
• I can carry out a fair test (with help)
• I think of equipment I will use to carry out an investigation

Look at a variety of materials – tinfoil, paper, rubber, etc. How can we change their shape ? Discuss recording techniques and how to conduct experiment. Look at some everyday objects and discuss which processes have been used in their production. Introduce/consolidate language e.g. flexible, twist
Discuss the effects of heat on some materials e.g. water (steam, evaporation – link to the water cycle) raw food when cooked/heated (toast, eggs, chocolate, butter) Can the process be reversed e.g. can toast be turned back to bread, a cooked egg to a raw egg, what happens to chocolate after it has been heated, steam when it cools?
Discuss the effects of cooling on some materials e.g. water freezing    ( ice, snow – link to previous work on weather and weather conditions). Investigate what happens to some materials when they are cooled – harden – place a selection of foods in ice cube trays and observe what happens when they are placed in a freezer. Do they all freeze ? If not, why not? Why do some foods need to be kept in a fridge ?
Discuss what is meant by a fair test. Carry out fair tests when looking at the effects of heating and cooling – paying due regard to health and safety issues particularly when using food and sources of heat.
Record in a variety of ways including tables and block graphs. Discuss and explain results to group/class using scientific language. Draw simple conclusions from the results.
Bake biscuits, simple cakes etc discussing, recording what happens to a variety of ingredients when mixed or heated/cooled.


Science – Changing Materials
Sc2a Find out how the shapes of objects made from some materials can be changed by some processes, including squashing, bending, twisting and stretching
Sc2b explore and describe the way some everyday materials change when they are heated and cooled
Sc1 – ideas and evidence - to collect evidence by making observations and measurements when trying to answer a question
Sc1 – 2a – ask questions and decide how they might find answers to them.
Sc1 – 2d – recognise when a test or comparison is unfair
Sc1 –2g- communicate what happened in a variety of ways
Sc1 – 2h – make simple comparisons and identify patterns
Sc1 – 2i – compare what happened with what they expected to happen
Sc1 – 2j – review their work and explain what they did to others
Breadth of Study 2a – use simple scientific language to communicate ideas and to name and describe living things, materials, phenomena and processes
Breadth of Study 2b – recognise there are hazards in living things, materials and physical processes, and assess risks and take action to reduce risks to themselves and others.


Communication Skills level 2
• I can tell or write stories about events in a famous person’s life
• I can recount the story of a famous event with some interesting detail
• I use labelled diagrams, recount, stories, diaries and pictures (art)
Communication Skills level 3
• I use key words and phrases from the time period I am telling someone about
• I present my work in lots of different ways
• I can tell others (in a variety of ways) about what life was like in the past - at the time of the Fire of London
• I can choose aspects of historical information to organise, summarise and present
Application of Maths level 2
• I use a time line to sequence things correctly using dates
• I can work out how many decades have passed since a recent event
• I can work out how many centuries have passed since a major event in British history – the Fire of London
Application of Maths level 3
• I can use key dates to describe events
Information technology level 2
• I use the computer to find out about famous figures and events from the past
• I use the computer to give my views about historical figures or events and to describe their lives and effects on people’s lives
Information Technology level 3
• I present my work using simple slide shows, sometimes using sound
• I use the Internet to search for information about people or events

Working With Others level 2
• I know that some events from the past still affect people’s lives today. I talk to people about these matters sensitively and respectfully.
Working With Others level 3
• I look at different points of view to find out about different versions of historical events
• I use role play and acting to represent different viewpoints about the past
Improving Own Learning and Performance level 2
• I know that events from the past are told in many different ways
• I add to my ways I find out about the past
• I am beginning to know that these different types of evidence tell us different things about the past
• I know that some things happened before living memory and can talk about some of them
Improving Own Learning and Performance level 3
• I understand that some evidence gives us limited information and that this results in different interpretations
• I know that the lives of people in a historical period were not all the same
Problem Solving level 2
• I can sequence some events from a famous person’s life
• I can sequence the main episodes from a famous event
• I can give reasons for some actions of a famous person(or the reasons for a famous event)
• I can find out about the past by looking carefully at evidence and I answer questions
Problem Solving level 3
• I use information to ask and answer questions about events in the past. This investigation goes beyond what I can see (inference and deduction)
• I give clear and detailed reasons why key events happened or historical people acted as they did.



Communication Skills level 2
• My ideas are shown in my drawings paintings and collage work
Communication skills level 3
• My skills in drawing painting and collage help me to communicate my ideas using colour, pattern, texture, line and tone, shape and form
Working with Others level 2
• I can make useful comments on the ideas of others
Working with Others level 3
• I compare and discuss my ideas with others
• I work on group projects, sharing my ideas and listening to others to design artefacts
Improving Own Learning and Performance level 2
• I adapt and improve my work, thinking about the purpose of the work
Improving Own Learning and Performance level 3
• I look at my own work and that of others, discussing whether it meets the purpose
Problem Solving level 2
• I investigate drawing, collage, textiles, printing, sculpture and photos to see how I can best use them to get across my ideas
• I investigate shapes, patterns and textures
Problem Solving level 3
• I experiment with different materials and techniques to find the best ones for the purpose of my work
• I know that art can be both visual and tactile. I choose the best combination for my work


Construct a simple time line of three famous people – someone who lives now, someone around the middle of the 20th century, someone a long time ago. Place 3 events on a similar time line. Use words and phrases such as recently, last century to describe position on the timeline.
Introduce the idea that some events are so important we remember them many years later and we learn from them. Introduce London in 1666. What was in like ? What were the buildings made from ? How do we know? What sources of information do we have? (use paintings, websites, books etc). Introduce the Fire of London. Re-tell main events as a newspaper article, information book, factsheet and pictorially. How do we know so much about the fire – Samuel Pepys diary. Look at other famous diaries that tell us about key times in history e.g. Anne Frank.
Write a diary as if you had been in London at the time of the fire. Keep a diary of your own events for a week. What sort of information do you think other people would want to know?
Role play – Sky News reports the events.  Interviews with key characters and witnesses. What is an eyewitness ? Interviews to demonstrate different points of view – hot seating, shared brain etc.
Use of tape recorder/video to record the interviews. (sound effects in background linked to composition in music)
Why did the fire spread so quickly ? – the effect of heat on the materials used to build in the 17th century. What does it tell us about the building materials used and the layout of the area?
Look at building materials used today and layout of buildings. Could the fire happen now? What have we learned from the fire?























































Produce individual and collaborative pictures about the Fire of London using a range of materials and techniques.
Produce portraits of key figures in the event – King Charles, Samuel Pepys and people placed on own time line.
Look at a range of buildings (modern and from the past). How do we know what they are used for? Look at the architectural features of local and famous buildings. Link to work on the re-designing of London after the Fire.
Picture this: Beginning with a small piece of a picture connected with the Fire of London, extend the picture to show what else may have been in it. Extend this work to other pictures, using the local area etc

History – chronological understanding
1a place events and objects in chronological order
1b use common words and phrases related to the passage of time
Knowledge and Understanding of Events, People and Changes in the Past
2a recognise why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result
2b identify differences between ways of life at different times
Historical Interpretation
3 identify different ways in which the past is represented
Historical Enquiry
4a find out about the past from a range of sources of information
4b ask questions about the past
Organisation and Communication
5communicate knowledge in a variety of ways
Knowledge Skills and Understanding
6b the way of life of people in the more distant past
6c the lives of significant men and women
6d past events from the history of Britain


































































5b work on their own and with others on projects in two and three dimensions and on different scales