Unit 14: Volume


Learning Objectives

Thinking Skills



(1) Getting to know volume:
Understanding volume
Pupils will be able to:
• understand and explain that the volume of a liquid is the amount of that liquid in a container
• understand that the volume of water is conserved no matter which container is used to contain the water
Comparing volumes
Pupils will be able to:
• compare the volumes of liquids in identical containers by comparing the levels of liquid in the containers
• compare levels of liquids in identical containers to determine which container has the most or least liquid
• compare the volumes of water in identical containers and arrange them in ascending or descending order
• compare the amounts of water in identical or non-identical containers by counting the number of non-standard units (glasses) that fill each container
• Spatial visualisation (conceptualising
volume of liquid)
• Comparing
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 79 to 84
• Practice Book 2D, pp 5 to 10
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 137 to 142


(2) Measuring in litres
Pupils will be able to:
• state that the unit of measurement for volume is the litre (ℓ)
• know how much 1 litre of liquid is and give examples of containers that can contain 1 litre of liquid
• compare a measuring cylinder with 1 litre of liquid with another cylinder with more/less liquid
• estimate the number of litres of water a container can hold and then check by measuring with 1ℓ containers
• use a scale on a container to find the volume of water it contains in litres
• Comparing and visualising volumes
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 85 to 88
• Practice Book 2D, pp 11 to 14
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 143 to 146


(3) Addition and subtraction of volumes
Pupils will be able to:
• solve problems by relating the problems to addition and subtraction concepts such as ‘part-whole’, ‘adding on’, ‘taking away’ and ‘comparing’
• draw models to help solve one-step word problems
• solve two-step word problems involving the use of addition and subtraction concepts
• draw models to help solve two-step word problems
• Applying concepts of addition and subtraction
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 89 to 91
• Practice Book 2D, pp 15 to 16
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 147 to 149


(4) Multiplication and division of volumes
Pupils will be able to:
• solve problems by relating them to multiplication and division concepts such as ‘group and item’ and ‘multiplying’
• draw ‘part-whole’ models to help solve one-step word problems
• Applying concepts of multiplication and division
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 92 to 93
• Practice Book 2D, pp 17 to 18
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 150 to 151


Put On Your Thinking Caps!
Pupils will be able to use ‘drawing a diagram’, comparing and deduction to solve problems.
• Comparing
• Deduction
Heuristic for problem solving:
• Draw a diagram
• Pupil Textbook 2B, p 94
• Practice Book 2D, pp 19 to 20
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, p 152

Unit 15: Graphs


Learning Objectives

Thinking Skills



(1) Reading picture graphs
Pupils will be able to:
• read and interpret picture graphs with scales in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
• find the scale given the total number of items for a category and the number of units represented by each symbol
• compare the differences between two or more types of items
• find the sum of the number of items of two categories given in the picture graph
• find the number of symbols to be drawn in the picture graph with sufficient information given
• Comparing
• Classifying
• Identifying relationships
Heuristic For Problem Solving:
• Guess and check
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 95 to 101
• Practice Book 2D, pp 21 to 24
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 165 to 171


(2) Making picture graphs
Pupils will be able to:
• make picture graphs with scales in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
• record items and make tables from information found in picture graphs
• draw picture graphs with scales from the table, using appropriate scales for each picture graph
• interpret information from picture graphs
• Comparing
• Classifying
• Identifying relationships
• Sequencing
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 102 to 105
• Practice Book 2D, pp 25 to 30
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 172 to 175


(3) More graphs
Pupils will be able to:
• interpret graphs related to scale, make comparisons and find sums and differences
• solve problems using picture graphs involving two variables
• Comparing
• Classifying
• Identifying relationships
• Sequencing
• Deduction
• Inference
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 106 to 107
• Practice Book 2D, pp 31 to 34
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 176 to 177


Put On Your Thinking Caps!
Pupils will be able to:
• read, understand and interpret the information in the picture graph given
• use the given information to answer and explain higher order thinking skills questions
• Comparing
• Classifying
• Identifying relationships
• Sequencing
• Deduction
• Inference
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 108 to 109
• Practice Book 2D, pp 35 to 36
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 178 to 179

Review 6

• Practice Book 2D, pp 37 to 42

Summative assessment opportunity

Assessment Book 2, Test 7, pp 83 to 91

Unit 16: Lines and Surfaces


Learning Objectives

Thinking Skills



(1) Straight lines and curves
Pupils will be able to:
• identify and differentiate straight lines and curves
• use a ruler and pencil to draw straight lines
• use a pencil to draw curves
• use ‘finger-tracing’ to feel and tell whether a line is a curve or a straight line
• identify straight lines and curves in pictures and 3D shapes
• draw pictures with only straight lines, pictures with only curves or pictures with straight lines and curves
Let’s Explore!
Pupils will be able to create pictures with straight lines and curves.
• Comparing
• Classifying
• Identifying relationships
• Visualising
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 110 to 114
• Practice Book 2D, pp 43 to 48
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 194 to 198


(2) Flat surfaces
Pupils will be able to:
• differentiate between a flat surface and a curved surface by moving their hand over the surfaces
• identify 3D objects that have flat surfaces
• count the number of flat surfaces of a given set of geometrical shapes
• find objects that have flat surfaces
• Comparing
• Classifying
• Visualising
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 115 to 118
• Practice Book 2D, pp 49 to 52
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 199 to 202


Put On Your Thinking Caps!
Pupils will be able to:
• identify and count the number of curves in pictures
• identify objects with curves that match
• Spatial visualisation
• Pupil Textbook 2B, p 119
• Practice Book 2D, p 53
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, p 203

Unit 17: Shapes and Patterns


Learning Objectives

Thinking Skills



(1) 2D shapes
Pupils will be able to:
• recognise a semicircle as half a circle and a quarter circle as one quarter of a circle
• recognise things with semicircular shapes and things with quarter circle shapes
• recognise semicircles and quarter circles in composite shapes
• make pictures using shapes including semicircles and quarter circles
• make pictures from cut-out shapes
• draw shapes
• copy shapes onto square dotty paper
• copy shapes onto squared paper
• Visualising shapes
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 120 to 128
• Practice Book 2D, pp 55 to 66
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 212 to 220


(2) 3D shapes
Pupils will be able to:
• recognise, identify and name the 3D shapes: cube, cuboid, cone and cylinder
• identify and name the 3D shapes used in making a given model
• make models using the 3D shapes
• Visualising shapes
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 129 to 131
• Practice Book 2D, pp 67 to 68
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 221 to 223


(3) Making patterns
Pupils will be able to:
• identify patterns using the attributes: size, shape, colour and orientation
• identify shapes in repeating sequences
• identify missing shapes from patterns
• explain a pattern and continue the pattern
• make simple repeating patterns using 1 or 2 attributes and explain how they made the pattern
• make new patterns with the given basic shapes
• Classifying
• Comparing
• Identifying patterns and shapes
• Spatial visualisation
• Pupil Textbook 2B, pp 132 to 135
• Practice Book 2D, pp 69 to 71
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, pp 224 to 227


Put On Your Thinking Caps!
Pupils will be able to use tangram pieces to make a square.
• Comparing
• Spatial visualisation
• Pupil Textbook 2B, p 136
• Practice Book 2D, pp 73 to 74
• Teacher’s Guide 2B, p 228

Revision 2

• Comparing
• Spatial visualisation
• Practice Book 2D, pp 75 to 88

Summative assessment opportunity

Assessment Book 2, Test 8, pp 93 to 100
For extension, Assessment Book 2, Challenging Problems 4, pp 101 to 102
Assessment Book 2, Check-up 4, pp 103 to 116