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School Improvement Targets 2020-21
In 2020-21:
Quality of Education We aim to:
• Maintain the % of teaching that is either good or outstanding to 95%.
• Ensure that all classroom support is timely and well-focused.
• Ensure that the way we assess (check) children’s learning is regularly and consistently used throughout school.
• Ensure that we use these checks to effectively plan each child's next steps in learning.
• Maintain our broad, exciting curriculum, high standards and progress across the school.
• Maintain our high standards and achievement of all children in all subjects, but particularly reading, writing, maths and science (Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and Key Stage 1).
• Ensure that we overcome barriers for children who have lost knowledge and skills as a result of absence from school due to COVID-19.
• Develop the curriculum further to embed key skills and knowledge inclusive of the common threads identified within our curriculum intent statement of local community (LC), outdoor learning (OLE), physical and mental well-being (PMW) and diversity and equality (DE).
Behaviour and Attitudes We aim to:
• Improve our attendance to greater than 96% applying the directive to refuse authorisation of term time holidays and issue fines.
• Continue our work on restorative practice and work to support the mental and emotional well-being of children through our ELSA programme.
• Maintain/improve our gold standard systems for dealing with bullying.
Personal Development We aim to:
• Develop the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and health education policy in line with national guidelines. To further our support for the emotional well- being of children and their families with attachment/separation anxiety following COVID-19.
• Develop further our ELSA provision to support the mental and emotional well-being of children.
• Work towards securing the Sunderland mental health charter mark.
Leadership and Management We aim to:
• Continue to lead the school to improve, developing teaching, the curriculum, raising standards and
supporting other schools through partnership (Ouston Primary)
• Extend the opportunities for high quality PE and sport, within and beyond the school day.
• Maintain a vibrant learning environment that stimulates and supports children's learning.
• Continue as an advocate school for Inspire Maths.
• Contribute to our partnership with Benedict Biscop Academy as they establish themselves as the
lead school for the Teaching School Hub for Sunderland, Gateshead and South Tyneside.
Wendy Angus