Fulwell Infant School Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its pupils, and as such expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will provide and maintain a safe learning environment for our pupils, identify where there are child welfare concerns, and take appropriate action to address them in partnership with other agencies.
The protection of our pupils is the responsibility of all staff within our school, and is paramount in all areas of their education.
The local authority and the Sunderland Safeguarding Board Procedures (SSCB) have clearly defined guidelines that are followed by the school.
A copy of our Child Protection Policy is available to download from the link below (will open a new window or tab).
To recognise signs and symptoms of harm and abuse at the earliest possible moment
To respond to concerns through the appropriate agencies with due speed and consideration
To protect our children and our staff
Identify and train designated Child Protection staff
Elect a member of the Governing Body to have specific responsibility for child protection and safeguarding issues
Have an up to date knowledge of Child Protection issues
Attend Child Protection training and be aware of the school and local authority procedures
Have regular consultation with external agencies